The blogging assignments were very informative. Many key issues and points were addressed in all of the groups. This was all very new to me because I have never blogged before. Its an excellent way to put your thoughts, ideas, objectives, researched topics and other points out there for people to view and make comments about.
I learned so much this past year in this class. The class presentations were all done very well. However, some groups powerpoint presentations were a bit better than others. It saddens me that many topics discussed during the presentations are still a major problem in Canada. We are one of the wealthiest countries in the world and yet we still have many First Nations and Non-Native people still living in poverty. These assignments have made me aware of the so many social issues in our country. Covering many things such as poverty, addictions, elder abuse, feminism, gay and lesbian rights and so on and so forth. There are many problems in the north when it comes to living conditions. The blog about the housing conditions in Northern First Nations hit a nerve with me because our Canadian Government took long to help these people. I live on the Garden River First Nation and their is lack of funding for new dwellings and renovations. Many non-native Canadians don't realize the suffering our people have been through and are still going through. I'm glad that the Prime Minister, Steven Harper made an apology to the First Nations people that went through abuse while in Residential Schools, but there is still so much healing that has to be done.
I have still to read many more blogs from the other groups and am looking forward to making final comments. Working in the groups got classmates closer together. We have to learn to accept one another no matter what colour of skin we have, our religion, sexual orientation, gender, race etc. Every human being has a right to live and breathe where ever they choose without being discriminated against. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to express myself through these blogs and learning more about current social issues. It has been a great learning experience and am glad to have met everyone in class and Mrs. Straka for being patient.
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